all before 8am
Here's a little preview of our morning...I found the kitchen towels, learned to open drawers, and am finding new ways to turn over Raleigh's bowls. The best part is that I still have the entire day to improve on my skills. GOOD LUCK keeping up Mom!
Wow! I had so much fun in one day. Today Na Na and "Aunt" Pat came to visit. Aunt Pat brought along Tori and Cheyenne (aka Tinkerbell) for me to play with. Mom said I was a good little boy for sharing my snacks, toys, crib and cartoons. They even got to take Raleigh outside to play. Mom wouldn't let me go though...something about "being too cold". The best part of the day was getting a new girlfriend, I'm a kissing machine. :) Hopefully you can come back soon and play.
mop top
so smart
My grandparents always say I'm so smart and here's proof...I CAN READ! I just love books, especially the ones that taste great.
lil' cupid
Let me just tell you about my fun morning... for starters Grandad and Lolli had spent the night and woke up ready to play with me, Daddy made us a pancake breakfast (I LOVE PANCAKES) then I got all kinds of fun goodies...Mom said it was for just being so cute and lovable. Um...I think all my grandparents should take turns and we wake up like this every morning! Any takers? HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY EVERYONE!
da da
Friday afternoon I gave Mom a little surprise...I said "Da da" after a few weeks of working on it. Me and Mom were sitting on the couch (watching Oprah) and it just popped out...twice! Of course I'm playing on "MY TERMS" and haven't said it since. :)
I love you Daddy and maybe, just maybe if you're a good boy I'll say it for you too.
kitchen fun
As I was out on one of my many walker adventures around the house this morning I found a new parking spot...the breakfast table. It is a perfect fit for my "car". There isn't too much to do under there, but it sure is fun.
the park
I love going on new adventures and yesterday Dad and Mom took me to the park! I had no idea there was a place for just us little kids. I got to swing, slide, bounce on a zebra and play in a bubble. I'm so glad I got to share the fun with my buddies Fisher and Macy too. Soon enough I'll be a playground whizz!
Meet the kid who turned down chocolate! Pop and Nanny gave me the biggest Hershey Kiss I've ever seen and I didn't want any part of it. Me and my bottle were perfectly happy watching cartoons with Pop instead. Let's just say that Daddy was happy with my decision...he loves chocolate!
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