Pretty weekends make everything better! Saturday Dad and Mama took me to my first parade. Out of everything my two favorite things were the fire truck because of the lights and the marching band for their music and shiny hats. I got so excited all I could do was clap clap clap! I stayed awake for as much excitement as possible, but fell out right before the best part...the food booths! The good news is that there is another festival this weekend! Yippie!
I'm a smiley, snuggly, cute as a button little girl who loves to giggle, chew on anything I can get my hands on, laugh at my silly brother, play peek a boo, splash in the bathtub, roll around, play in my Jumperoo, sit in my Bumbo, look in the mirror, play on my play mat, "scoot" in my walker, try new foods, EAT, take cat naps, be held, listen to Amos Lee, snuggle in the mornings with Parker while watching Curious George, be sung to, wear hairbows and of course be hugged and kissed.
parker jayson james
I am a fun loving little boy who adores monkeys, playing outside, coloring, painting, playing with Little People, bouncy balls, soccer, playing T-ball, wrestling with my Daddy, hide and go seek, I Spy, watching Curious George and Team Unizoomi, chewing bubble gum, helping Mama in the kitchen, chasing my dog Raleigh, putting on puppet shows, puzzles, fun band-aids, jumping on the bed (even though i'm not suppose to), taking bubble baths, practing writing my name and letters, counting, giving hugs and kisses, snuggling on the couch, drinking chocolate milk and of course loving on my sister.
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