oh no...the doctor

THIS is what "thrilled" looks like when you're going to the doctor! Yep, the time has come once again...I think I see Dr Morgan WAY TOO MUCH as is! So today was my 1 year check up, better late than never I guess. Well everything started out pretty good...me and Mama played with all the fun toys and had a little snack while we waited. But then it all went down hill from there. The nurse took us back and measured me...I grew a whole 2 inches since last time, I'm now a super tall 31.5 (90-95%)and weighed in at 23.11 lbs (50-75%). After Mama answered tons of questions the doc came in with all her "torture tools" to look over every inch of my body it seemed. After a few outbursts and a clean bill of health I was A Okay...I thought! That's when I heard the news from the nurse...a finger prick and a shot in EACH arm. The finger prick was the worse...I saw it coming the whole time and couldn't do a thing about it except scream. Usually I just scream for a second and then I'm okay, not this time...REAL tears came out. Next Mama held me as tight as she could and the nurse got me. With Tweety bird band-aids on each arm and a funny fabric one on my finger we were all done. I heard Mama call and tell Daddy that this was the worse visit yet. I'm pretty sure because my tears and "real" pain broke Mama's heart. On a better note, at least I have a few months before I go back...at this rate Mama NEEDS backup next time.
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