where has the time gone?

In a few short hours this little boy will be one! Tonight while putting me to bed Mama actually got a little teary eyed while telling me how special I am to her and Daddy. She said it doesn't seem like I should be this big already, it was "just yesterday" that she was rocking me to sleep all swaddled up. That first little smile was so long ago, now it's big laughs and a smile full of teeth. The days of quietly rocking in my swing have turned into fun filled days of hugs and kisses, tickles and giggles, games of chase around the house, wagon rides and slides and most importantly memories in the making.
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1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Sweet Boy! Where does the time go? This Mama can definitely sympathize with yours...these babies of ours are growing up way too fast. Have fun celebrating!!
