rub a dub dub, 2 men in the tub

Today goes down as one of my funniest moments yet...
Tonight Dad was changing my last diaper before bed and I thought it would be funny to give myself a "golden shower". Dad said it looked like a water gun fight. I was a complete mess so they decided that the job was bigger than wipes and put me in the tub. Dad decided to sit in the tub with me in my birthday suit and let me finish my bottle. Mom was in the other room gathering my tub stuff when she heard Dad yell for her. I had pooped all over Dad's shirt and shorts. Mom thought it was the funniest thing ever. To put the cherry on top of the night I then peed all over him. Mom tried to take a few pics between her laughs...enjoy!

my "big boy" picture

Sorry we haven't posted any new updates lately...Mom is running on very little sleep. :) So far this week has been the best ever! Me and Mom spend everyday singing songs, playing peek-a-boo, working on my tummy time, playing with my doggie Raleigh, eating (which is my favorite) and of course changing tons of diapers. The best time of the day is 5 o'clock when I know Daddy will be home, I think its his favorite too. I overhear them say that I'm changing more and more everyday from a baby into a little boy.

happy 1 week birthday to me!

This morning while Mom was feeding me she realized when she looked at the clock that it was exactly 1:20 in the morning and I had just turned one week old. She has to admit that she was on the brink of tears. She just squeezed me a little tighter and covered with kisses. Today was also Daddy's first day back to work and that didn't help Mom and her hormonal crying. She loved on me so much today it wore me out, have a look and see.

My Mom really loves me!

Mom is obsessed with me and has a little extra time since Na-na is staying to help out so here are a few "new and approved" pics of me.

superman eat your heart out!

I don't bean to brag but look at these guns! :) My Dad thinks that I get them from him, but I think it might be from Mom.

splish splash

Guess what happened today? I had my first bath. I can't say that I hated it, but I can't say that I loved it. I got a little fussy when they washed my hair so in retaliation I peed on them. That was funny! Enjoy!

grandparents galore!

Since we've been home from the hospital I've had so many visitors stop by to see me and I've loved every minute of it. I think I could get use to all this snuggling and kisses. I've been kissed on every inch of my cute little body. Here are a few pictures of me with all grandparents.
Here is Na-na and Papa Davis loving on me right after I was born
My Lolli, Aunt Kristi, Me, Dad and Grandad Glenn
Here I am with my Pop and Nanny Satterfield.

i love my daddy

Dad decided that today would be a great day to test out how our weekends of watching sports are going to go...i already LOVE to snuggle and am ready to sport my team gear.

july 7,2008...hello world, i'm here!

So today was my big entrance into the world. I made my appearance at 1:20am after Mom went through 21 hours of contractions and 3 of pushing. She said it was hard work, but worth every minute. I weighed in at 7 pounds 6 ounces and measured 20 inches long. Everyone is amazed at how much hair I have, I've been nicknamed "Elvis" by my Grandpa Glenn because of my black hair and long sideburns.
So far my day has been full of sleeping, eating, finally meeting all the voices that I've heard for the last few months of the people who love me and of course eating some more. All in all it's been a great first day. Thank you to everyone who has shared their love through their visits, phone calls, thoughts and prayers. Mom and Dad really appreciate everything as they are getting adjusted to the new 3 of us. Here are a few pics of precious little me...hope you enjoy! Mom just realized that Grandma's camera has tons more pictures to choose from so more will be posted soon.

2 days until my due date and counting... (hopefully)

So today we had another doctors visit before the holiday and Mom and Dad came away with promising news... we are 1 centimeter dilated and 50% effaced. Hopefully the walking two miles a night is helping. :) we'll keep ya posted on any new news.