gobble gobble

Happy Thanksgiving from the Glenn family!

band aid

So once again Mom tricked me into thinking we were going out shopping or visiting people but took me to the doctor instead. To top off my day I had to not only get a shot but TWO of them. When are these people going to stop poking me? I'm getting a little tired of it. I do have to say that Mom did do better this time than last...only two little tears. Good job Mom, I on the other hand screamed!


Ok, no laughing!! Mom and Dad MADE me wear this (against my will) to the bonfire because it was so cold and the worse part was that I didn't even get to taste a smore.

me and kaitlyn

Today Dad and Mom took me out AGAIN to do a little Christmas shopping... but it was better because I got to hang out with my cousin Kaitlyn. She is crawling like crazy, I can't wait until its my turn.


I didn't quite know what to do with my first balloon, but had fun trying to figure it out.

poor bear

Yesterday my teddy bear went everywhere with us. I'm just now picking things up and of course they go straight to my mouth. By the end of the day his foot and ear were soaking wet with slobber. We were both so tired after a long day.

peek a boo

Who needs expensive toys when all you need is a burp cloth? I just can't get enough of peek a boo. If anyone ever wants to play, i'm all yours!
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Today for my 4 month birthday I got to try cereal. It was a little strange, but I liked it for the most part. My favorite was when they added applesauce. Mom was prepared for a big mess, but me being the little piggy I am didn't let a drop fall.


Who would have thought a basket full of laundry could be this fun for me and Raleigh?

rock n roll

This is what cool looks like!

happy birthday pop

Here I am showing off some of my camo for my Pop. He has promised to make me his little huntin' buddy when I'm bigger. I just love my Pop and am happy that I was with him to celebrate his birthday.


This weekend was my buddy Fisher's 4th birthday party. It was a pirate party at the soccer complex. Eventhough I am too little to play I loved watching all the big kids. I had so much fun that I was fast asleep before the cake was cut. Happy Birthday Fisher!