
I love having a "built in" playmate in the cousin Kaitlyn. We always have such a fun time together. Since she is six months older than I am, I'm always watching and trying to learn new tricks from her...she makes walking and running look like so much fun. I love you Katie Buggie, come back and play!


We are suppose to be going to baseball games to cheer on Fisher and Logan, but I'm there to flirt with Reagan and Macy! The best part is that I don't have to just pick one...I have them both!

grayson day

Pretty weekends make everything better! Saturday Dad and Mama took me to my first parade. Out of everything my two favorite things were the fire truck because of the lights and the marching band for their music and shiny hats. I got so excited all I could do was clap clap clap! I stayed awake for as much excitement as possible, but fell out right before the best part...the food booths! The good news is that there is another festival this weekend! Yippie!


My Jumperoo has seen so many things in it's little life thanks to me...many hours of pure jumping joy, spit up, a runny nose, blow out diapers, fallen snacks, and now it can add nap time! After a day of playing outside I just couldn't handle any more fun and it got the best of me. It was a sad day last week when Dad had to raise my straps to the highest setting...our play time is coming to an end!


While cleaning out my toy box with Mama I found my long lost friend...My Paci! All I really needed was about an hour or so to chew on it and throw it across the room to get "my fix". To Mama's surprise I haven't touched it since.


After trying and trying I've finally figured out how to drink out of a straw! Yippie for Me!

pop's toys

I'm well on my way to being Pop's little hunting buddy in the next few years. Everytime I come to visit he brings out the "big boy toys" for us. Our favorite is playing with his turkey calls. He lets me make as much noise as I possibly can. I've still got a long way to go, but I have the best teacher a boy could have! This last trip was the best ever, we went for a ride on his 4 wheeler! I loved it! I can't wait for when I'm bigger and Nanny sends me and Pop to the shop with a bag of her homemade cookies to do what boys do...GET DIRTY!

9 month check up

Mama said that this trip to the doctor's office was the "most eventful" yet! While waiting on Doctor Morgan I taught myself how to tear tiny pieces of paper. I had the fun part of making the mess, while Mama had clean up duty. I've figured out that the shots aren't so bad...its the other stuff that I hate! Who likes when lights are shined in their ears, nose and eyes anyway? I sure don't! I thought I was getting a treat when she came at my mouth with a Popsicle stick, but nope, wrong again! That sure was a dirty trick! I did however get smart and figured out how to cover my ears, and close my eyes and mouth at the same time...try getting in there next time! After all was said and done and a Charlie Brown band-aid Doctor Morgan said I was a healthy big boy! I now weigh 21.5 pounds and am 29.5 inches tall. At this rate I'm going to be playing basketball in no time!

prize egg

Great Granny and Paw Paw's house was our first stop on the "Easter Train" and there I learned a very valuable lesson...why hunt for eggs when Granny will just hand you the Prize Egg? I'm happy to say that my piggy bank just got a little fatter! Here is a little video of me attacking my Easter eggs. ENJOY, I sure did!
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You know the saying "If Mama won't let you, call Grandma"? Well today was the day. Nanny and Na Na both let me enter the wonderful world of Peeps. I loved every sweet sticky second of it.
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little bunny

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happy easter

Dad and Mama had no idea what was going to happen, but I'm proud to say I am now friends with the Easter Bunny! I was more concerned with petting his hand than actually having my picture taken, he was so fluffy! I smiled at him alot so hopefully he will leave me a big basket! HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!
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my kiki

After the Easter bunny pictures we went shopping...Aggh! (my Daddy taught me that) Here I am being Aunt Kiki's arm candy. Shopping sure does take a lot outta a little guy.
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My first trip in the pool was a success! It was like a huge bathtub, and we all know how much I love baths.
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