good morning dad

What's better than a custom themed party from a toddler? Nothing in my opinion. Mama said I could pick out anything in the entire store for Daddy as a special surprise and I chose...a pink birthday card with my doggie Raleigh on the front and a box of Toy Story gummies. What can I say, I'm a big spender! I pulled the whole thing together with my Toy Story pjs, handmade wrapping paper, balloons and a banner. I hope this is the best day ever Daddy! I love you tons and bunches!
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daddy day

Happy Father's Day to the BEST Daddy in the whole wide world! I love you so much and can't wait to grow up and be just like you!
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no cheese please

So a few weeks ago we went to my pediatrician to follow up on a few breathing issues (I sounded like Darth Vader when I slept) they checked me out, sent us to my ENT doctor where they gave me the worse news a kid like me could ever hear...they thought I could be allergic to dairy! WHAT?!? I am a cheese, yogurt and milk machine! I could eat cheese morning, noon and night if someone would let me. So we traded in the "real stuff" for almond milk and soy substitutes. The good news is that a little dot of chocolate syrup makes everything taste better. Like magic I started sounding better and sleeping harder. Even though we think I'm "cured" I still had to go in Friday for a few more tests just to be sure (something about adenoids, airways and tonsils...whatever all those are) all I know is that there has been alot of looking in my mouth and nose, taking x-rays, loud beeping machines and the dreaded nose swabs and sprays. After being held down and a little crying a sucker made everything better. We get the results June 28th, I just hope that my love of cows can continue...wish me luck!
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The highlight of the block party was watching J.W's band My Two Wings perform. I loved dancing, clapping, playing with my glow sticks and just cheering on my Bubba! Great job! (Sorry there isn't too many pics, my paparazzi was enjoying herself as well.)
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kid zone

The festival had a huge area where there were jump jumps, arts & crafts, puppet shows, balloons and of course SIDEWALK CHALK! Needless to say this is where I wanted to spend all my time.
Since Mama and I knew that Daddy had World Cup on the brain we gave him a special masterpiece...a soccer flag! (Yes, Mama had to sneak in a little shout out to her favorite player Carlos Bocanegra!) Go USA!
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sugar high

Friday night Auburn closed down the streets for a block party where there was so much to look at, shop for, do, listen to and of course EAT! I had cotton candy that was as big as my head...WOW! Of course all great things come to an end and you end with this...
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...a sugar high meltdown!


This weekend the Glenn family loaded up and headed to Auburn, Alabama to visit Aunt Kiki. She took me all over campus and introduced me to tons of pretty girls, I was a little shy but deep down enjoyed all the attention. My favorite part was that there were tigers everywhere and I was able to practice my favorite "roaring" skills.
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This is what I call one yummy did I go this long without knowing about Oreos?
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The more bubbles the better!
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Happy Happy Birthday Grandad! Sorry it's a little late...blame it on Mama! Grandad is an easy man to please when it comes to presents...books, coffee, ties and shirts, but this year we all pulled together and surprised him with a Kindle. Not an easy task to pull one over on him, but we did it! Gotcha Grandad!
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aunt kiki

I love when Aunt Kiki gets to come home, she is the best!
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Saturday we helped Kinsley celebrate turning two, too bad I didn't feel well and slept the entire time...I even missed cake!
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grayson blue

Fisher did so great this season in baseball that he made All Stars, I am so proud of my Bubba! Go Big Blue!
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