
Guess who has become a "scooter"? ME!! You can't take your eyes off of me if I'm playing on the floor because I love to roll away so Mommy pulled out the walker ( pretty much to just be able to keep track of me while she is busy) but to her surprise I scooted away. I can't grasp the concept yet but promise you it will only be a matter of days until I figure it out. Parker thinks it's funny to push me around like a race car to hear me giggle...what a great big brother I have.


Oh Happy Day!! I can FINALLY get my toes into my mouth. I found my feet a week or so ago and ever since have been on a mission to taste them. I call today a success!

egg hunt.

My preschool class had an Easter Egg Hunt at the park this week that was so much fun! Presley, Mommy and Lolli were even able to come enjoy the fun! I came home with a monkey basket full of surprise eggs...I'm officially a jelly bean fan!

banana to go.

Who knew I had so man fun toys?!?! Mommy pulled out my walker (mainly to keep me in the same room since I roll away when playing on the floor) and gave me a banana to keep me busy while she cleaned the kitchen and when she turned around noticed that these little legs of mine were trying to figure out how to move. I actually accidentally did it! I scooted around little by little...the fun is just beginning! Mom told me stories of how Parker flew around the house in a walker laughing and grabbing any and everything he could...she hasn't seen anything yet though!!

tiger t ball.

T-ball season is finally here and I couldn't be more excited! We had our first practice this week and I had so much fun. Daddy helped out Coach Andy and Coach Daniel as a base coach while Mommy and Presley cheered me on. The best part is that I already have a few friends on my team to play with! Go Tigers!


You're looking at one banana loving little girl. I just want to say Thank You to the person who invented this very handy little mesh's the best!


Of course I had to throw Daddy a very festive 31st birthday...Smurf style! Even Presley and Raleigh got in on the fun. Happy Birthday Daddy!


Presley is getting so big and learning new things every day. Today we heard her giggling in her crib and found her playing with her toes. It's ALL she has wanted to do today.

desserts with dad.

Our preschool had a very special night where just our Dads got to come and have a "camp out" in our class. We had camp fire snacks, a fun art activity and got to play in real tents in our classroom. Earlier in the week I made this very special project all about my Daddy. I love you Daddy!

golf cart.

Today I got to let Presley in on one of my favorite things to do in Jefferson...ride Pop and Ga Ga's golf cart. I think she really enjoyed herself...I know I did minus having to stop so Mama could take this picture.


Every little girl loves her baby.



It's hard work getting everyone to look and smile at the same time, but here ya go. Mommy is pushing Presley and I'm pushing Raleigh in the doggie stroller for our walk around the subdivision. We were "esercising"!

march madness.

Welcome to the Glenn men's favorite month of the year. Hope you're ready for a little basketball!


Add these to my portfolio to one day be the greatest photographer ever, well right behind a Zoo keeper, fireman and a soccer player. Boy am I going to be a busy guy!

pj day at school.

To end our month long read-a-thon at preschool we all got to wear our favorite pjs, bring a favorite blanket or animal and enjoy a day of our parents reading to us. I wore my new monkey jammies and Macy wore Hello there were any other options for us. All in all this day was a blast!

the glenns.


Goodbye soccer season, I had a blast! I loved meeting new friends (I can name pretty much every girl on my team, especially the ones with the ponytails), learning new skills and of course scoring goals! I even got my very first medal...I love it!!

bro and sis.


I'm hungry all day, every day! Just keep it coming!

my daddy.

You're watching Daddy being wrapped around my finger in progress. ;) (my plan is to keep it up and work on getting a pony in a few years)

pj party.

Presley and I hanging out with our Katie Bug!


Can you believe all of "this" came from one Oreo? My Mom didn't either.


I love being a girlie girl.

sweet dreams.

In the car or in the bed, noisy or loud us little Glenns can sleep anywhere.

be my valentine.

I had so much fun at my preschool's Valentine party. My shirt says it all "the ladies love me"! This was even a "sweet" day for me and Macy.


"Carrots or Carats" I love all things yummy or that sparkles!


If it makes noise, takes batteries or makes us laugh...we love it.